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Morgan Cole


Hello stranger! My name is Morgan Cole and I'm the creator of Monkey Meals and More. I live in Detroit, MI as a Business/Economics student finishing for my Bachelor's degree and as a single mom to a beautiful baby girl named Maya (19 months currently).


Growing up within the black community in Detroit, MI I had noticed a lot of parents that were thrust into parenting; they weren't aware of how hard it would be and most didn't have anyone to teach them the good from the bad or they didn't have all the tools needed/wanted in order to give their kids the best. When I had Maya I was among the unprepared, but, through support from my family and others, I was able to get the things I needed for my baby and still be able to aim for my original goals. There's going to be a post in the future detailing my journey as a mother too and it's been an interesting journey so far.


I first thought of making this website when I was looking up recipes, making meal plans and arranging Maya's meals into funny expressions using the Qshare Toddler Plate-Monkey style. I love designs of monkeys and I loved how the advertisement showed making faces out of food with the plate so that's exactly what I started to make when I bought the plate. I started baby led weaning Maya and the plate really helped her want to eat on her own.


 I also would look up the best and affordable stuff for her (like the plate). I would look up preschools, educational activities/crafts she might like when she couldn't even walk yet. I realized that the kind of information I found should be put in one place to make information more accessible to everyone. I created Monkey Meals&More so that with this site I'm able to help mainly those within my community raise up the next generation to the fullest. Through this site I will basically create a safe supportive zone for parents to come to so that they can become better prepared and know what their kids should have, utilize, and learn!

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